Clearent Hosted Payment Page

Apple Pay For Web

Overview Security Considerations Configuration Styling / Branding Digital Wallets Examples

Apple Pay For Web Overview

Apple Pay for Web allows customers to securely make payments using Apple Pay on their Apple device’s Safari browser. This guide outlines changes for secure Apple Pay payments via Safari on Apple devices.


This guide is intended for developers/solutions that plan to be, or already are, integrated with the Hosted Payment Page (HPP).


The following are required before you incorporate Apple Pay on your website:

·       Ensure that the macOS version is 10.12.1+ or iOS version is 10.1+ for the Apple Pay payment method. The mac OS supported are Sierra and later.

·       This payment method is supported only on Apple device’s browser such as Safari.

·       Ensure that your server is set up to allow Apple Pay.

·       Serve your application over HTTPS both in development and in production.

·       Your domain must have a valid SSL certificate.

·       Your server must support the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2 or later, and one of the cipher suites. Refer to the related links for the list of cipher suites.

·       Refer to Apple Server Configurations for setting up your production environment.

Supported and Unsupported Payment Methods

The supported cards and merchant capabilities are as follows:

·       Supported Cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover

·       Merchant Capabilities – Credit Cards, Debit Cards (with either the Visa or Mastercard logo)

The unsupported methods are:

·       In-App Payments

·       Recurring Payments

·       Split Shipment

·       Voids/Refunds through Apple Pay

Note: Apple Pay tokens cannot be used for ad hoc charges. As a result, you should not attempt to create a Clearent token using Apple Pay for Web. If you do, the transaction may decline or fail to settle.

Getting Started

The Apple Pay button will only appear under the following conditions:

·       Merchants must be participating in Clearent's Apple Pay Beta program (during Beta-phase only).

·       Merchants must use Direct-to-VISA (Confirm with Clearent your Merchant setup allows for Apple Pay).

·       Merchants must have the show-apple-pay property configured to true (default: true).

·       Merchants must have at least one registered domain (See Registering Merchant Domains).

·       Merchants must have the payment method set to Sales or Authorizations.

·       Users must use an Apple device (macOS/iOS) with Safari.

Registering Merchant Domains

Apple’s documentation for Apple Pay on the Web describes the process of “merchant validation”, which Clearent manages behind the scenes. You don’t need to create an Apple Merchant ID, CSR, etc., as described in their documentation and should instead just follow the steps below.

1.     Navigate to Merchant Home.

2.     Navigate to Virtual Terminal > VT Settings.

3.     Select a terminal.

4.     Navigate to the Apple Pay for Web tab.

5.     Follow the instructions there to register your domain(s).

Configuring Apple Pay

·       You may configure the visibility of the Apple Pay button using the show-apple-pay property (default: true).

·       The Apple Pay button is set to the default style. Apple provides several types of buttons so that you can choose the button type that fits best with the terminology and flow of your purchase or payment experience. Refer to the Apple styling guidelines.

·       HPP supports Apple Pay JS Version 3, which limits the Apple Pay button style selections. Refer to the Apple Pay Button CSS documentation.

·       You can style the Apple Pay button using the #Clearent-apple-pay element or the .Clearent-apple-pay CSS class.

·       You can style the Apple Pay row using the #Clearent-apple-pay-row element or the .Clearent-apple-pay-row CSS class.

·       You can style the Apple Pay label using the #Clearent-apple-pay-label element or the .Clearent-apple-pay-label CSS class. This is the text that by default says "Or pay another way".


Apple requires an offline test implementation of Apple Pay for apps, websites, and point-of-sale systems. The link here provides an overview of the sandbox environment, details on how to get started, and general support for testing your Apple Pay transactions.

Appendix A – Related Links

Refer to the following table for links to helpful resources:


Clearent Hosted Payment Page

Clearent Apple Pay Demo (open in Safari)

Clearent Example Code

Apple Developer Documentation

Apple Styling Guidelines


Apple Server Configurations

Setting Up Your Server | Apple Developer Documentation

Apple Sandbox Environment

Apple Pay - Sandbox Testing - Apple Developer